The Central scientific Library (CSL) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the generally available library and gives its stock for everybody’s usage via the loan system, reading rooms, interlibrary loan system, and also by means of the distant access for all the citizens of RK and other countries.

Library, biographical and reference –information service in CSL is made free of charge.

CSL carries out the complete, operative, qualitative service of the users and collective users in accordance with their professional  requirements, fulfillment of the literature claims by the inter republic and international interlibrary loan system on the base of using the modern computer technologies.

It conducts the organization of the exhibitions: subject, and new arrivals of the domestic and foreign literature. It carries out the Information Days, the Bibliographical Reviews, the Readers’ conferences and the other measurements.

The CSL users are served:
-  via the individual loan system
- in the reading room of the social and humanitarian sciences
- in the reading room of the natural and technical sciences
- in the reading room of the subdivision of the rare books, manuscripts and national literature
- in the reading room of the reference information subdivision
- by interlibrary loan system (ILLS)
- in the Intern-class
- in the reading room of periodicals

To the CSL users’ services:
- the fund systems
- the catalogue and card -catalogue systems
- the paid loan system of the reading room (the indispensable publication is allowed for  taking home for a certain period of time)
- the exhibition of new arrivals
- the subject exhibitions
- electron catalogue and data base
- Internet
- the electron delivery of the documents
- copying and scanning services
- переплетные работы и т.д. bookbinding works, and etc.

The additional services

The type of services

Contacts (727)

The users’ joining the library
- Giving out the users’ cards
- The claims reception via ILLS
- Copying services
- The paid loan system services

Subdivision of the users and work of the reading rooms
tel. 261-02-29

-Giving out of the literature from the Rare stock (up to 1940 year of publishing)
- Giving out the manuscripts
-Work with the dissertations
- Organization of the moving exhibitions of the rare books
- The documents providing for film-photo shooting
- The adoption of the presentations together with an author
- The paid loan system
- The computer type-setting
- Scanning and pictures recognition
- The translation works
- Copying services
- Lease of the halls
- Providing the computer usage
-The computer text type-setting
- in Kazakh language
- in foreign language

The scientific research subdivision of the rare books, manuscripts and national literature
tel. 261-02-70 

— Making the bibliographical and facts graphical references
- Viewing the referee electron journal
- Selection of the bibliographical list from the electron journal
- Providing for  the signal information
- The written references
- Checking the availability of publications in the funds of the other libraries
- Sale of the indexes and distributing the library publications
-  The users’ work with computers
- The users’ work with the portable computer in the reading room

Subdivision of the reference-information service tel.

— The work in Internet in Online regime independently or with the consultant

— The file transmission from Internet. The files editing
- The computer type-setting
- Email
- Access to the full-text data base of the publishing houses Elsevier, Springer, Blackwell, Kluwer and data base “Zakon” (“Law”),”Jurist” (“Lawyer”)
- The electron delivery of the documents
- The work with DB full-text articles obtained by EDD (electron delivery of documents)
- Email
- Scanning and pictures recognition
- Checking the availability of publications in funds of the other libraries
- Recording of the materials on the DB diskette
- Printing out
-The computer text type-setting
- in Kazakh language
- in Russian
- in foreign language
- The translation works
- Distribution of the publications to the partners of the international books exchanges by the authors’ request
- Carrying out the presentation of the electron resources
- Providing for the written reference about the distribution
- Reception and transmission of information by the fax
- The disc testing
- Leas of the halls

 Subdivision for providing information resources and international connections tel.261-02-49

—  Preparation of the bibliographical indexes (persons, subject retrospective manuals)
- The DB creation
- Editing of the authors works and bibliographies
- Scanning
- The computer text type-setting
- Sale of the indexes and distribution of the library publications

Scientific –bibliographical subdivisiontel-


— Organization and conducting of the subject exhibitions
- Sale of the indexes
- Sale and distribution of the library publications
- Lease of the stands

Subdivision of  funds propaganda and distribution of the library publications tel.261-01-10

— Copying services

Subdivision of the scientific organization of the library stock tel.
 272-36-00, 261-02-29

— Providing for the annual list of the CSL periodical publications

Subdivision of collecting the funds and registration the literature tel.261-02-80

— Indexing by UDK
- Working out of the sector tables by UDK
- The catalogue consultation
- Selection of the literature sources by electron catalogue
- The literature catalogue selection according to the users’ lists
- The literature subject selection by CSL catalogues
- The recent publications selection with synopsis
- Compiling of the bibliographical lists

Subdivision of the scientific  processing of the literature and organization of the library catalogues tel.272-45-22

— Carrying out the students’ practice
- The library excursions
- The Post-Graduate Student’s Day
- The materials selection on fund “Library science”

Service of foreign connections and library development tel


-Sale of the compact disks (Bibliographical indexes)
- DB recording on the compact disks
- The materials scanning
- Leasing of the multimedia projector
- Re-coding of the Kazakh  print
- The materials digitation by the digital camera
- Making the compact disks from the users’ materials
- The computer text type-setting
- The disk testing


IT Sector

— Restoration and bookbinding works (the dissertation, formal documents, etc. bookbinding)

The scientific research subdivision for the CSL funds preservation and security tel.261-10-00

— Consultancy on the organization of the electron catalogue
- Seminars on organization of the electron catalogues in the libraries
- Recording of the DB EC bibliographical lists on the laser disk from the searching system
- Working out the searching fields of the MARC format  for the different types of the documents
- Providing the organizations for the references on the working table of classification
- UDC indexing
- DB recording on the compact disks
- Scanning and pictures recognition
- Copying services

IT Sector


— It carries out the publishing-printing and design works for the library requirements, edits the bibliographical indexes, text-books of methodics, makes all the types of the form production, design and informational materials, invitation cards, and other.
- It  renders the additional publishing-printing services for the outside organizations and natural persons
-The color picture printing out

 Accompanying service of the information bibliographical programs tel.261-10-00

— Servicing the users via the loan system and in the library reading rooms under the SRI in accordance with their professional requirements
- Fulfillment of the literature claims via the interlibrary loan system
- Differentiated service of the  executive persons in charge 
- Supplying with the signal information for the organization of the subject exhibitions and exhibition of new arrivals.

Subdivision for the work organization of the branching libraries 261-00-34

 Nazarbaev 2017



State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan 

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev


 gylymorda embl



