«ҚАЗАҚ» ГАЗЕТІ. 1915 жыл/Құраст.: С.О. Смағұлова, Г.М. Абикова. –Алматы:
«Елтаным баспасы», 2017. – 528 б ет.
ISBN 978-601-7849-30-6
«Қазақ» ұлттық баспасөзі 1913-1918 жылдар аралығында Ахмет Байтұрсынұлыныңбасшылығымен Орынбор қаласында шығып тұрды. Қазақ ұлт зиялылары мен қазақоқығандарын айналасына топтастырған бұл газет қазақтың жан жарасына айналған жер,тіл, дін, оқу жəне т ағы басқа мəс елелерді көтеретін басылымға айна лды.
Бұл жинаққа газеттің 1915 жылы жарық көрген 93-163 нөмірлері түгелдей арабəліпбиінен қазіргі жазу үлгісіне көшіріліп енгізілді. Мақалаларда сол жылғы ұлтымыздың тұрмыс-тіршілігі, ішкі жəне саяси жағдайы, экономикалық-əлеуметтік, мəдени,оқу-ағарту, дін мəселелері, атадан балаға мирас болып келе жатқан салт-дəстүрі, жоралғылары, тарихы жан-жақты қамтылған.
Кітап ұлт, мемлекет жəне Отан тарихымен қызығушы барша оқырман қауымғаарналған.
УДК 070
ББК 76.02
The brief description of the Project
Title of the project subject: «Kazak» newspaper – 1915 year
The project abstract
The urgency. In 2017 year will be 100 years since foundation of Alash government and «Alash» party. Our work is timed this date – the ancient history of Alash movement and Alash intellectuals standing at the sources of the Kazakh political system. The researchers’ task is to publish a great number of materials about the Alash party and Alash intellectuals. Priceless cultural-literary, historical and linguistic heritage of that time was the newspaper «Kazak» being continuously published in Orenburgh in 1913-1918. Absolutely essential is the academic publication of the newspaper «Kazak» which was «The national encyclopedia of the beginning of XX century» in its time. Not all the issues of that time are preserved completely even in the most prominent libraries of Kazakhstan.(The most complete copy of the newspaper is only in the library named after Saltykov-Shchedrin in St.-Petersburg city and in Khimki). But even the available issues are in bad condition. Some careless readers have cut the pages out from the newspapers. The formation of fax and electron collection as a heritage left to the young generation to make contribution for the bibliographic fund “Kazakhstanika”, and the complete transfer of it into Cyrillic will open an access to all interested persons to study the heritage initially preserved on the Arabic graphics, and will be the step to raising on the new level of the social humanitarian science.
The practical significance is in possibilities to use the main findings, results and conclusions made on the basis of archive materials and other facts, scientific works, text-books, teaching methodical aids, and state and governmental organs of RK.
Scientific and practical significance. The national newspaper “Kazak” is the unique rarity. Carrying it into the scientific circles will be an invaluable treasure for the historians, philologists, politicians, economists and other specialists.
The purpose and tasks of the Project are:
The materials collection on the history of Kazakhstan, determination of social political position in Russia and Kazakh steppe during 1915 year,publication of the written works of the representatives of Alash intellectuals earlier not entered into the scientific circle, evolution recovery of the Alash intellectuals’ political views in the course of struggle against the Russian empire colonization. The 1915 year,the time of the 1st World War peak,for the Kazakh people was extremely hard. Inflation was grown by quick rates, the prices were raised. There in the country was declared the military regime, in connection with it was restricted the freedom of speech: the military censorship was stated. The war entirely consuming the material resources of the Kazakhs, at that moment infringed upon the human capital: the problem of military draft of the Kazakh men was put down. Those events became the premises of rebellions and marches taking places in the Kazakh steppe in 1916-1917 years.
The tasks. There will be published Nos.101-163 of the newspaper “Kazak” for 1915 year on the modern sample, the responsible editors of which were A.Baitursynov, M. Dulatov and an Alash leader- A.Bokeihan. The indexes on several categories to the scientific work will be created,and also a scientific terminological dictionary.It will be formed the bibliography of each issue, pick list, the geography names index, explanation of hard explaining words. It will be presented the pen-names index at the end of the book being urgent at presenttime
The Brief Description of the Project
1 Title of the project subject: Annotated Bibliographic Books Catalogue in Chagatai and Turkish Languages of the XIX-th –beginning of the XX-th centuries preserved in the Fund of the Scientific Library RSE “Gylym Ordasy”
2 The project abstract
Numerous lithographic publications kept in the Scientific Library- monuments of the history and culture of Turkic speaking nations.
The urgency of the project “Annotated Bibliographic Books Catalogue in Chagatai and Turkish Languages of the XIX-th –beginning of the XX-th centuries” kept in the RSE “Gylym Ordasy” fund is concluded in that for the first time and in full capacity will be read and studied the books in Chagatai and Turkish languages on all amounts, and there will be published the catalogue in Kazakh language with abstracts, and reflected on the scientific library RSE “Gylym Ordasy” WEB-site.
The creation of the electron books basis in Chagatai and Kazakh language will assist in facilitating access to the rare library books.
The catalogue publication will assist in making clear many questions of the Turkic nation’s history, culture, questions, about which is known nothing or very vaguely reported by the sources, and find answers for many of it.
The catalogue will be of interest for scientists, orientalists, the bibliography specialists, and also for a wider circle of the public interested in the historical past, the books history and written culture.
– studying and saving the valuable historical documents;
– opening the rare books fund in Chagatai and Turkish languages for the widest circle of specialists;
–realization of successive connection between the past and modern experience on the basis of complex, interdisciplinary research from the history, culture and literature point of view, solving the problems of the national self-confirmation under the contemporary conditions;
- preparation and publishing of the annotated bibliographic rare books catalogue in Chagatai and Turkish languages;
- the materials capacity determination;
- the origins study and analysis;
- reading the original language and the title translation in Kazakh language;
- the documents selection and its scientific systematization;
- the bibliographic notes compiling;
- the materials arrangement on language principle and in the alphabetic order;
- the description compiling with provision for the scientific information value;
-the annotations compiling;
- the catalogue auxiliary system compiling;
- the articles preparation on the collection composition for publication in the periodical editions;
- the collection preservation;
- the catalogue graphic arrangement, drawings, photos, etc. supply, and its transfer into the digital form with scanner assistance;
- the catalogue electron version creation.
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan
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