In Fund of the national literature are kept more than 120 thousand units of various editions in all scientific subjects.
ᄋ all art and scientific books in the Kazakh language, issued since 1930;
ᄋ fund «Кazakhstanica»;
ᄋ translations;
ᄋ magazines in the Kazakh language
The fund contains books and scientific works in the Kazakh language of 1930-1950 (the editions written during transition to Roman alphabet). Among them there is a poem «Albatross» (1933), works «Kazakh literature» (1932), «Kyzyl at» of Seifollauly Saduakas (1934), the collection of stories «Tastulek» (1935) and the epos «Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu» of Мukhtar Аuezov (1936), «Literature of XX century» of Sabit Mukanov (1932), the collection of elected verses of Аbai Кunanbayev issued in 1939, and also other works.
Here it is possible to find the books of I. Altynsarin, A. Baitursynov, Sh. Kudaiberdiyev, Kh. Dosmukhamedov, M. Dulatov, Zh. Aimauytov, M. Zhumabayev, A. Bukeikhanov, K.I. Satpayev, A. Margulan, S. Zimanov, D. Kunayev, the public figure, and also all works of first RК president N.A. Nazarbayev issued since 50th years of XX century.
In the fund of translations it is collected the world literature translated into the Kazakh language. For example, V. Shakespeare’s «Оthello» translated by M. Auezov (1981), «Anthony and Cleopatra» translated by G. Musrepov (1982), «Romeo and the Juliet» translated by N. Baimukhamedov (1947), N.V. Gogol’s story «Taras Bulba» translated by Тemirgali Nurtazin (1982), F. Rable’s novel «Gargantua and Pantagruel» translated by A. Tarazi (2007), and many other masterpieces of the world literature.
The fund of magazines in the Kazakh language includes the magazines issued since 1928 and to this day: «Әйел теңдігі-Women equality» (1928-1934); «Әдебиет майданы-Literature front» (1932-1939); «Ауылкоммунисі-Village communist» (1932-1937); «Ауыл mұғалімі-Village teacher» (1935-1938); «Cталин жолы-Stalin way» (1936-1955); «Әдебиет және исскуство-Literature and art» (1939-1957); «Халық мұғалімі-People’s teacher» (1939-1959), and also «Жаңа мектеп-New school», «Жаршы-Bulletin», «Communist», «Қазақстан большевигі-Kazakhstan Bolshevik», «Аbay», and other magazines which have appeared after reception of independence, and all issues of magazine «Жұлдыз-Star» since 1957.
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan