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«Gylym ordasy» RSE Central Scientific Library of RK MES, SC provides access to the Web of Knowledge database of the Thomson-Reuters publishing house, USA.
Web of Knowledge is an integrated web platform that provides researchers and professionals with information in all knowledge fields from 8700 authoritative scientific journals, 23 million patents, 12,000 conference proceedings held annually, more than 2 million chemical structures and more than 4,400 sites. The Web of Knowledge allows users searching across multiple databases simultaneously through a universal search engine, as well as analyzing information, receiving articles and references to web pages that may be useful to researchers. Web of Knowledge provides direct access to current and retrospective information from more than 11,600 of the most prestigious, with high impact factor scientific journals in the world. This is a specialized information product in which the complete bibliographic information on journal articles, annotations and lists of articles cited in the articles of literature is collected and processed. In addition to bibliographic and quotation information, the Web of Science includes information about authors of publications and organizations in which they work.
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