Bespayeva R.S., Bugubayeva R. О., Manuel F. Grela. Development of the sphere of tourism on the basis of innovativemarketing technologies (in English)
Abdulina G.A., Abeldanova A.B. Socio-economic development of the region (in English)
Igilikova S.I., Malbakov M.M.On the meaning of the word "Snail" is included in the list historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language (in English)
Dairabayeva G.B., MaldybekA. Zli.Turkic world and kazaklistani model of interreligious and interethnic tolerance (in English)
Deister Y.S., Bilisbayeva A.M.Peculiarities of determining the private international legal status of legal entities (in English)
Dosmagambetova J.Ali Shariati about unmiah as a theoretical model of the ideal society (in English)
Zholdasbekova.G.Zh. Development of integration processes at the present stage (in English)
Syzdukova N. Institutional basis of the state audit in foreign countries and Kazakhstan (in English)
Ayupova Z.K., Kussainov D.U.Legal systems of Central Asian countries
Dyusembekova G.S., Aiguzhinova D.S., Khamitova D.M. Use of renewables as factor of development of national economy of the republic of Kazakhstan
Abdrakhmanova R.S., Rey I. Yu, Sayabayev K.M,, Alina G.B. Green economy in rural tourism
Asanova Zh.T. Museums of Kazakhstan as object and subject of the cultural policy of the state
Nurgabylov M.N., Nurpeisova А.A., Doshan A.S. Applied aspects development of economics and tourism
Sabirova R.K., Dzhumaeva A.K., Sayynova L.K. Methods of pricing on industrial enterprises
Absattarov G.R. Legal kazaklistani - expression of high legal citizen culture: political aspects
Abdulina G.A., Abeldanova A.B. Socio-economic development of the region (in Kazakh)
Dosmagambetova J.Ali Shariati about ummali as a theoretical model of the ideal society (in Kazakh)
Zholdasbekova.G.Zh. Development of integration processes at the present stage (in Kazakh)
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan
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