Zhumangaliyeva Nazym, Doszhanova Aliya, Korchenko Anna.Algorithmic and software support for the formation of parameter standards for the cyber attacks detection systems
Baltabayeva A.Yu., Yesbalayeva R.Zh., Shaikhystamova M.B., Natiye Yildiz,Beskempirova A.U. Development of Turkestan from the Great Silk Road
Tarikhazer S.A. Growth of ecogeological stresses in mountainous geosystems in the conditions of activation modern dangerous geomorphodinamicprocesses (on the example of Azerbaijan)
Aliyeva Zh,N., Baiburiyev R.M., Lorant David D., Shagyrbay A.S., Kaliaskarova Z.K. Problems and prospects of development of apitourism in Kazakhstan
Semenov V.G., Kuzmina N.N., Petrov O.Yu., Baimukanov A., Dzhanabekova G.K., Sarimbekova S.N., Nesipbayeva A.K., Zhylkyshvbaeva M.M.Comparative assessment of the impact of natural antioxidants on the qualitative indicators of semi-finished products from broiler-chicken meat and oxidative processes in their storage
Shuvarikov A.S,, Baimukanov D.A Dunin M.L., Pastukh O.N., Zhukova E. V., Yurova E.A., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Erokhin A.I., Karasev E.A. Estimation of composition, technological properties, and factor of allergenicity of cow’s, goat’s and camel’s milk
Iskhan K.Zh., Kalashnikov V. V., Akimbekov A.R., Mongush S.D., Demin V.A., Rzabayev T.S,, Nesipbaeva A.K., Zhilkybaeva M.M., Zhikishev Y.K. Zootechnic characteristics of modern populations of Mugalzhar horse breed
Bekenov D.M., Spanov A.A., Sultanbai D.T., Zhaksylykova G.K., Baimukanov A.D. The effect of canola meal application in the diet of dairy cows of Holstein breed in «Bayserke Agro» LLP
Kostyakova J.B., Antimonova N.Y. Illiteracy elimination as mobilization political campaign: peculiar features of the campaign in the national region in the 1920s (as exemplified in Khakassia)
Beskempirova A.U., Baltabaveva A.Yu., Naciye Yildiz. Great Silk Road legends and myths: “Forty legendary girl”
Sitpayeva G.T., Chekalin S. V. Masalova V.A., Friesen N.. Makhtubayeva S.K., Ishaeva A.N, Development of primary lists of wood plants for introduction in the conditions of North Kazakhstan
Semenov V.G., Baimukanov A. , Ivanov N.G., Tadzhiyeva A.K., Karynbayev A.K, Karibaveva D.K. Bird biopotential against the correction of non-specific resistance and specific immunogenesis
Saparov B.Zh., Tashkyn A. About the influence of religion on the formation of tolerated consciousness and social consent
Hmyria V.P., Spirkina O., Maksvmenko N.,Tanklevska N. Financial and legal aspects of the organization of the agriculturally used areas market
Nesterov A.Y. Social adaptation of juvenile prisoners in the post-prison period: theory and practice
Pantielieieva N, Mishchenko S., Pantielieieva K. The financial mechanism for providing investment lending to the economy of Ukraine with the participation of international financial institutions
Shamshidin A.S., Kharzhau A., Baimukanov D.A., Sermvagin A.A. Molecular genetic profile of Kazakhstan populations of cattle breeds
Frolova L. V., Melnyk О. V., Shevchuk N. V., Magdaliuk О. V. Development of scientific approaches to the research of the management nature of enterprise capital
Grishnova О.А., Azmuk N.A., Kuklin O. V. Flexible technologies of university management as a tool to increase their competitiveness
Artemenko О. V., Honcharuk L.Yu., Kachur V.О., Lytvyn N.A. Environmental protection under the legislation of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland: a comparative analysis of the main features
Yuldashbayev Yu.A.,Mukhanov N.B., Kudiyarov R.I., Kozhamuratov N.Zh., Traisov B.B., Karynbayev A.K. DNA markers characteristics of ram hogs of meat-lard breeds (growth, development and meat productivity)
Kassymova G.K., Yurkova M.G., Zhdanko T.A., Gerasimova J.R., Kravtsov A.Yu., Egorova J.V., Gasanova R.R., Larionova L.A., Arpentieva M.R. Personal self-development in the context of global education: the transformation of values and identity
Amerkhanova A.B., Meshkov V.R. University educational services marketing: features, opportunities, problems
Antilogova L.N., Makarova N.S., Orlova L.N., Petrusevich A.A., Churkina N.I., Dyrka Stephan. Women’s education in Western Siberia (XIX - early XX century): problems of the formation and peculiarities of the development
Atayeva M, Basikin, Kassymova G.K, Sydyk L., Triyono M.B., Arpentieva M.R., Dossayeva S.K., Klepach Y.V., Kivlenok Т. V, Improving students’ self efficacy in speaking english by using group-presentation
Kuzmina N.N., Petrov O.Yu., Semenov V.G., Baimukanov D.A., Dzhanabekova G.K., Sarimbekova S.N., Nesipbayeva A.K, Zhvlkyshvbayeva M.M. Comparative assessment of the impact of natural antioxidants on the qualitative indicators of semi-finished products from broiler-chicken meat and oxidative processes in their storage
Tazhbayev N., Orynbasarov S., Bespayeva R., Bugubayeva R., Shinet G.G., Manuel Fernandez Grela. Null compactness for local, partial graphs in economic tasks
Madisheva A.M., Sayabaev K.M., Zhetessova M.T. Economic substantiation of creation of a modem rural tourist base of rest
Petrov O.Yu., Baimukanov D. A., Semenov V.G., Tyurin V.G., Kuzmina N.N.,Nesipbayeva A.K., Zhylkyshybayeva M.M., Yerezhepova M.Sh., Apeev K.B. Productive action of different fat levels in diets of bull-calves
Rudenko Ye.I. American, Chinese and Russian factors in interaction of Central and South Asian states
Abdrakhmanov N.Kh., Fedosov A.V., Shaibakov R.A., Abdrakhmanova K.N., Sharipov (Aubakirov) G.A., Kozlowski Waldemar. Organization of safe management of fire operations on gas pipelines
Drobotenko Ju.B., Duka N.A., Kurdumanova O.I., Chekaleva N. V., Sharov AS., Dyrka Stephan. Educational autonomy of the future teacher as a new quality of the professional training
Kassymova G.K., Valeeva G.V., Stepanova O.P., Goroshchenova O.A., Gasanova R.R., Kulakova A.A., Menshikov P.V., Arpentieva M.R., Dossayeva S.K., Garbuzova G.V. Stress of the innovation and innovations in education
Sergeev D.B. Division of authority and powers between subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal formations in sphere of development of tourism
Ayupova Z.K, Kussainov D.U., Kumianalieva A.A., Sutalinova N.A., Nagan Winston. Main approaches of the supplement of energy security in Central Asian countries
Korzeb Zbigniew, Sembiyeva Lvazzat, Zhagyparova Aida. The influence of cooperative bank outlets upon local development in the Podlaskie Voivodeship in Poland
Klimova S.A., Eden Markus. To be or not to be: transfer pricing aggressiveness in the enterprises of Kazakhstan
Bekenov D.M., Spanov A.A., Chindaliyev A.E., Baimukanov A.D., Sultanbai D.T., Zhaksylykova G.K., Kalimoldinova A.S. Comparative study of fruitfulness of cow insemination of a milking herd at various levels of productivity in the conditions of Bayserke-Agro LLP
Kazhyken M.Z., Satpayeva Z.T. The structure of income and expenditures of the population of Kazakhstan
Apendieyev T.A., Smagulov B.K., Kozybayeva M.M. Study of some subethnic and genealogical groups of Kazakhs in pre-revolutionary Russian historiography (XVIII - early XX century)
Bazarbayeva Z.M. New Kazakh letter based on the Latin chart
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