The traditional catalogues in CSL are built:
• by the language indication: in Kazakh, Russian, on the language of the CIS peoples, on foreign languages.
• by aspectual indication: the catalogues of the rare books, dissertations, oriental literature, photo copies, micro films, manuscripts, continuing publications, abstracts, periodicals (newspapers, journals), electron catalogue, catalogue of CIS(commonwealth of independent states),catalogue of art literatures, catalogue of CD-disks.
• RAC- The Reader’s Alphabetical Catalogue, in which the bibliographical records are arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names, titles of the institutions, and (or) the documents titles.
SC- Systematic Catalogue: bibliographical records are arranged in accordance with the definite system of the document classification by the knowledge branches.
ASI-Alphabetical-Subject Index to the systematic catalogue: the auxiliary system to the systematic catalogue, imagining the alphabetical enumeration of the subject subdivisions, revealing the content of the reflected documents in the systematic catalogue with the indication of the appropriate classification indexes.
EC-Electron Catalogue: the machine-readable library catalogue, working in the real mode of the time, and provided for the readers’ disposal.
Official Catalogue-the library catalogue, reflecting the whole library stock, excluding the exchange and reserve funds.
The catalogue of the continuing publications- in the catalogue of the continuing publications the cards are arranged in the alphabetical order of the titles of the collectives: “Academies”,”Libraries”,”Institutes”,”Societies”,”Universities”,and etc. The cards are arranged in the alphabetical order within the divisions.There are the subsidiary card catalogues in the catalogue of the continuing publications: the card catalogue of abridgements, the key to the academic publications.
The catalogue of the foreign journals- The cards are arranged in the alphabetical order. In these catalogues the cards are arranged in the alphabetical order of the journals and subject collections titles. There is a subsidiary card index in the catalogue where the cards are arranged by UDC(universal demical classification.
Catalogue of rare books-in the catalogue of rare books card are located in alphabetical order, the systematic catalogue is located on centuries, and inside share by years.
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan
"The Scientific Center" State Scientific Library
Electronic Resources
Electronic Scientific Resources of Open Access