
9book Sarsembaveva A.T., Sarsembay A.T., Myagmarjav Ostatistical analysis of x-ray solar flare registered on September10, 2017 (in English)

9book Sarsembaveva A.T., Sarsembay A.T., Turlybekova G.K., Suttikarn  S. Solar activity monitoring for the period april 10-20, 2017 (in English)

9book Valiolda D.S., ZhaugashevaS.A., Janseitov D.M, Zhussupova N.K. The study of the neutron halo of the Be nucleus taking into account the influence of an external field (in English)

9book Alexeyeva L.A. Boundary value problem for elastic half-space by subsonic velocities of surface transport loads moving (in English)

9book Zhatkanbayev A.A. Appliance of floyd warshall, bellman-ford algorithms for adding noise permutations of block ciphers for cryptographic endurance enhancement (in English)

9book Seitmuratov A.Zh., Madelkhanova A.Zh., Parmenova  M.Zh., Kanibaikyzy K. Integro-differential equations with regular kernels (in English)

9book Ongarbayeva A., Smagulova L., Nurmukhanbetov S., Issayeva G. Managing the MYSQL database and the stages of development of client server information system using MYSQL (in English)

9book Seitmuratov A., Medeubaev i4., Yeshmurat G., Kudebayeva G. Approximate solution of the an elastic layer vibration task being exposed of moving load (in English)

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9book Tulenov K.S., Dauitbek D. The completeness of the noncommutative he(ajw) space (in English)

9book Valiolda D.S., Zhaugasheva S.A., Janseitov D.M., Zhussupova N.K. The study of the neutron halo of the Be nucleus taking into account the influence of an external field (in Russian)



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