Virtual reference service of the Scientific Library of RSE "Gylym Ordasy” of SC, MES, RK executives out one-time inquiries of distant users. In order to find information traditional and electronic resources of the library, INTERNET resources, bibliographic and full-text DB, acquired by the library, are used.
Basic restrictions:
- Inquiries connected with information of entertaining character (crosswords, participation in competitions, quizzes, etc.) are not carried out;
- Scanned texts of documents are not given;
- The questions set incorrectly are not considered. Employees of the service will delete them.
- Inquiries concerning information of commercial character are not considered.
- Inquiries connected with:
You can find more detailed information in Regulations about VRS of the Scientific library of RSE “Gylym Ordasy” of SC MES RK
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan
"The Scientific Center" State Scientific Library
Electronic Resources