Құрметті оқырмандар! Орталық ғылыми кітапханасы жөндеу жұмыстарына байланысты дүйсенбі - жұма күндері аралығында 09:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін жұмыс істейді.

Echoes of a Masterpiece: The Lineage of Beauty in Japanese Art is a special exhibition celebrating the 130th anniversary of the Oriental art journal KOKKA and the 140th anniversary of the Asahi Shimbun.

The history of Japanese art is populated by many works that deserve to be labeled "masterpieces." Each of these masterpieces has its own story to tell. There are those associated with the greatest artists of each era, those shaped by the traditional masters, and those brought to Japan from overseas, for example. These all form a lineage, with each masterpiece serving to inspire the creation of new masterpieces.

This exhibition focuses on this lineage and the social background shared by these masterpieces. Based around 12 themes, it introduces a number of masterpieces from various regions and eras, from ancient Buddhist art to modern Western-style paintings. It features around 130 objects in total, including 14 National Treasures and 53 Important Cultural Properties. Through these, we can trace this "lineage" of masterpieces. We also hope this exhibition serves to foster a deeper understanding of Japanese and Oriental art.

Finally, we would like to offer our deepest gratitude to those who loaned their precious artworks for this occasion and to everybody whose sponsorship and assistance made this exhibition possible.

April 2018

The Organizers


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