Gozhakhmet Sadvakasovich Sadvakasov is the famous scientist-uyguroved, one of organizers of an uygurovedeniye in Kazakhstan, the corresponding member of AN KAZSSR, the Doctor of Philology, professor was born on June 15 in 1929 in the village. Big Aqsa of the Uigur region in Almaty.
1946-1950. Student of the Kazakh teacher training college of Abay.
1964-1974. Senior research associate of Department of an uygurovedeniye at Institute of linguistics AN KAZSSR.
1974-1986. Head of department of an uygurovedeniye of Institute of linguistics of AN KAZSSR.
1983. Vice-chairman of the Kazakh office of All-Union association of Sinologues.
1986. Director of Institute of an uygurovedeniye of AN KAZSSR.
G.S. Sadvakasov is an author over a hundred scientific works on topical issues of the Uigur linguistics.
The main achievements of the Uigur linguistics at the present stage are connected with G. Sadvakasov's works. At the same time it isn't only widely educated scientist, but also he is skillful head and organizer of science.
To the 90 anniversary from the birth of the corresponding member of AN KAZSSR, doctors' of philology, professor Gozhakhmet Sadvakasovich Sadvakasov the RGP Central scientific library "Gylym Ordasy" organized a book exhibition. The exhibition will include his stages of life and activity of the scientist, his works, literature and memories of it, data on the international and republican awards, articles which was published on pages of periodicals and also the literature which left under its edition are presented at an exhibition.
State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan