Central scientific library of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan on May 11, 2012 at 10:00 within the framework of events devoted to the 80th anniversary of foundation of the library carried out Day of the Information for professors and students of the Kazakh National Pedagogical university named after Abay. The head of the sector of informational service of the library Abdulaeva M.Yu. showed presentation on full-text and abstract databases, international analytical databases of citing.
For the first time the presentation «Analysis of scientific publications and citing of the scientists of Kazakhstan» where the analysis of publishing and citing of the authors from Kazakhstan in foreign editions has been presented. The sector of propagation of funds, distribution of library editions and public relations has organized an exhibition of literature from the fund of Central scientific library.
Central scientific library of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan on 12.04.2012 at 10.00 within the framework of events devoted to the 80th anniversary of foundation of the library carried out Day of the Information for the researchers of the Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V.Sokolsky.
On March, 28, 2012 in the Central Scientific Library the presentation of 10-volume bibliographic index “The World bibliography on aphidology (Homoptera: Aphidinea). 1712-2007” in the frames of arrangements devoted the eighty-year creation of the library has passed.
Dear users!
Scientific Library of RSE “Gylym Ordasy” of SC MES RK grants access to the database of abstracts SCOPUS.
SCOPUS – database of abstracts, includes more than 18 thousand of scientific journals (4 thousand of publishing houses), patents, materials of conferences, etc. from all the world, including national journals (for instance, 260 Russian journals) for 40 years (since 1966) all Elsevier specialized bases, main databases of other publishing houses (for example, Inspec, Medline, etc.), data from the platforms of all scientific publishing houses (for example, Springer) - information on indexation on each record in other bases.
- Information on citation (in particular for Kazakh authors).
Dear users,
Scientific library of RSE “Gylym Ordasy” of SC MES RK grants test access to the journal “Nature” from November, 5 till December 1, 2014.
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is an affiliated company of «Macmillan Publishers Ltd», international publishing house established in Great Britain in 1843 and working now in 70 countries of the world.
In Almaty, 5th of December, 2014 in «Gylym Ordasy» will held International Scientific conference on the subject «Kazakh`s diaspora in Central Asia: History – Culture – Monuments». The conference will begin at 10.00 am.
The main purpose of the forum is scientific publication results of the latest comprehensive ethnographic, ethno-cultural, monument studies and other researches. It`s, first of all, designing, implemented by the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov, other research groups and scientists in the area of Kazakh diaspora: such us in Central Asia (Mongolia, China, Altai Republic of the Russian Federation), Central Asia and other regions.